Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back Home...

what a trip we had! We had such a wonderful time with Tommy. Though I will have to say that Jenn wasn't exaggerating when she said that Albuquerque was is! The field on the other hand is awesome! They had a wonderful playground area for the boys to play at and we took advantage of that almost every night. The boys went early to the field each day with Tommy and loved it. They also each got a day with us by themselves. One went to the field with Tommy while the other got to pick what they wanted to do with me. It was a lot of fun. During the season we never get one on one time with the boys and I feel it's very important that they get that. We are going to make sure this off-season we do a special day like that once a month. We also enjoyed the new friends we made and had a blast with Jenn when she came out for the weekend. We ate a lot of crappy food (that I will not miss), didn't miss a night of the Olympics, I caught up on the political campaign and the best part, we all had great quality family time together. I will have to say that two weeks is about the extent that I can handle living in a hotel with no refrigerator or microwave. It gets old pretty fast! Well, this trip wraps up traveling for the boys and I. I can't believe the season is coming to an end. It's always an adventure and there is never a dull moment. I guess back to real life again. Tyler has orientation tomorrow and gets to meet his teacher. School starts Monday so I have a lot to do this weekend! I will let you all know how tomorrow goes!

Me and the loves of my life

My sweet baby boy!

Ps. I didn't take a photography class or get a new camera but I will have to say it's pretty awesome when you have a best friend who is one of the best photographers around! I am truly spoiled. Thanks Jenn for the great pictures!!

1 comment:

Jenn McPherson said...

love your posts! Thanks for the compliments...its just cause you love me, though. love you & the boys! Can't wait to see you again soon!