when I was growing up summers were laid back with days at the beach, going to our friends homes that had pools, story time at the library and a visit to the zoo. It seems like these days we are so quick to sign our children up for every activity that summer has to offer. And I will have to say I was a victim to that at the beginning of the summer. I was thinking ok they will go to this VBS when we get home from Ohio and that week camp and this karate camp and before I knew it summer was over and between traveling and camps the boys would never be home. I am not saying an activity here and there is going to hurt them but I just think sometimes the less we do the better. And at the ages the boys are at I think they really enjoy just being home. So, that is what we have been doing. We have actually become pretty boring! I am starting to feel like we are turning into our hermit crabs. I am use to being on the go but this has been great for all of us. We have been swimming everyday, using our slip-n-slide and riding our bikes. Tyler can make it around our 2 mile circle now, which is pretty cool. I push Dylan in the stroller and Tyler rides and I can get a little exercise. The boys have also been enjoying playing with our neighbor Julian and their cousins Luke and Riley. Here is a picture of the boys with their cousins!

And here are a few more of Tyler and Dylan on the slip-n-slide. My brother was launching them down the slide like rockets.

They had a blast! Well, not much longer before we go back to shuffling school schedules and T-ball so we are just going to continue to enjoy our summer at HOME...while we are here!
That looks like so much fun girl! I miss those tan little ripped up boys of yours! They have grown so much in 4 months!
hi debra, i was ckecking out jen's blog and noticed you jumped on the blogging bandwagon! I had to take a peek, your boys are beautiful and getting so big. I'd like to keep up with you so if you don't mind I would like to add you too my blogger friends~ Hope to hear from you soon! Jina Bootcheck
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