Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Sophie and Charlie

today we went to the Atlantis park to celebrate Sophie and Charlie's 5th and 3rd birthday. We had a great time. It was the first day in a long time that it wasn't 1,000 degrees so it was actually nice to be outside. Julie (Sophie and Charlie's mom) and I met through a mutual friend last year and we became instant friends. Believe it or not the majority of my girlfriends here have husband's that travel a lot. Julie's husband is a pilot. On the night's that their husbands are traveling we usually get together. It is a really nice support system. Love these girls and don't know what I would do without you all! Especially with the way our last couple season's have gone sometimes Tommy and I will go a month without seeing each other. It's not our ideal situation but we try to make the best of it! Here is a picture of Dylan and birthday girl Charlie, so cute!!

Tyler loved the party hats!!

Here is Sophie, Dylan, Kylie and Tyler rocking their party hats and enjoying some pizza!

great party Keefe's the boys had so much fun!!


Jenn McPherson said...

who the crap is greyhead?

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i'm not the only one not to knoe about the newest murphy!