I can't take it anymore. I am at an all time loss with my little Dylan. We started potty training him back in February and needless to say we have had no luck. We did have about two days of success back in May when we were in Columbus. Before we left my girlfriend had a potty party for her little girl at Chuck E. Cheese and when Dylan went he kept asking if he could have a party like Sophie once he went number 2 on the potty. Of course I said yes and he didn't forget. We had only been in Ohio for about a week when he went on his new potty. We were so excited! The first thing out of Dylan's mouth was we get to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Tommy was traveling and we were bored in the hotel room. I thought this would be a perfect day to go. So, we got him a cake and off we went. I am laughing so hard right now b/c we had just met one of the players wives, Sue and their daughter Mary-Grace and we invited them to go with us. She must of thought I was such a wacko. Thankfully, she didn't think I was too crazy because we became inseparable! It was a fun day but that was the end of Dylan going on his Elmo potty. I'm thinking you just got a $50 potty party and that's it. Yup! I guess I should have waited a few more days but I assumed it finally clicked.
Tyler was fully potty trained just a few months after he turned two and it was so easy. When I started potty training Dylan I assumed I would have the same experience. I was definitely wrong. You see I have a "hider" on my hands and I think they may be the worse kind. Not to mention he could careless if you changed him all day. Like in the picture you think he would have wanted to get out of his wet clothes. Nope, not Dylan he would have just played all day like that if you let him. Oh, I forgot to mention the other day I walked into the playroom and he decided to take matters into his own hands. There were about twenty wipes all over the floor and he was trying to clean himself up! Let's just say there was a big mess! I have tried to be patient and trust me I have tried everything. From leaving him in undies all day, to bribing him with all kinds of goodies, went to the bookstore read up on all the tricks, made him a chart, bought him a new Elmo potty the list goes on and on. I know this will pass and Dylan will be potty trained eventually. I just needed to vent and I am sure when I wake up tomorrow I will be ready to start again(hopefully with a lot of patience)but today I'm over it!!
it's a good thing he is so stinkin cute because I think I would have shipped him off somewhere by now if they could guarantee they would send him back home potty trained!