Saturday, September 6, 2008

Look Who's Three...

Wow, another year has flown by and our little Dylan is 3! I can't believe it! We packed in a lot of fun stuff today. We started the morning off with his choice of mickey mouse pancakes for breakfast, which he thinks are the coolest things ever. Then we headed over to my brothers house so Dylan could open his presents. He was so excited to get the red power ranger that he has been wanting for the last month. After that we decided to take a family bike ride up to the park. We didn't stay for very long because it was extremely hot. Once we got home the boys jumped in the pool while I whipped up some cupcakes. My family came over about 1/2 later and everyone enjoyed watching Dylan open presents and of course eating cupcakes! Dylan especially loved his new puppy dog to add to his collection, the fire engine that shoots water and the baseball guys playset. Which by the way is a really neat toy! Then we topped off the evening playing on the water slide at my brother's house. Dylan had a great day and I think he loved picking out all the fun activities for his special day. We kept today low key with just family because the boys are having a joint carnival party on the 20th. We have lots of fun games and activities planned. So, brace yourselves because there will be much more birthday stuff to come this month!
Tyler was so excited to give Dylan the presents he picked out for him.

His favorite new puppy!

Yummy cupcake time!

Precious Birthday Boy!

1 comment:

Jenn McPherson said...

Happy Birthday Dylan! Can't wait to see you guys! i am counting down the days!!