Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beach Day...

The sun finally decided to come out today and we weren't going to miss out on a beautiful beach day! We packed up headed to dunkin donuts for our usual beach day necessity: two ice coffees light and sweet and 25 munchkins and then we were off to the beach. The beach was beautiful! We had such a great time! After two hours of fun, a sunburned daddy, and two worn out children we headed home. The boys just love the beach and I don't just mean my little boys. Check them out...

Nothing like watching your husband ride a spiderman boogie board with a bright yellow mask on....Now that's HOT!

My sister-in-law and kiddos joined us for the fun!


Jess said...

What a bunch of cutie pies! No, Tommy, I wasn't talking about you....I meant the kids! However, Deborah, you may have to watch out for all the ladies on the beach that may want to chase Tommy down in his yellow mask and spiderman boogie board.....LOL!!!! Looks like you all had fun.

Jenn McPherson said...

Tommy's very photogenic! So glad you guys had fun! Love the pictures!!